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10 Week Sept.jpg


Drop in Life Drawing Class


£15 per class


Informal and relaxed life drawing classes for both beginners and those with previous experience who would like to practise and improve their life drawing skills. Sarah structures the classes to teach basic skills whilst developing observational drawing techniques. All materials included


Tuesday 11am – 1pm

Tuesday 2pm – 4pm  

Wednesdays 6 – 8pm

Please note that whilst these are weekly drop-in classes pre booking is required. Payment is by cash on the day or by BACS. Please contact Sarah to secure your place


Classes Start 28 September 2021




Textile dyeing and Printing Course




Thursday mornings 10am – 12 midday OR Thursday afternoons 2pm -4pm*



A ten-week course exploring a range of fabric dyeing and printing techniques on natural and manmade fabrics running each Thursday morning. Participants will have the opportunity to experiment with stitch and applique techniques. No previous experience required. Basic resources are provided with the opportunity to use own materials.


September 30

October 7 & 14

November 4 11, 18 & 25,

December 2 9 & 16


* You may enrol on this course to do either in the morning or the afternoon. When signing up for the course please let Sarah know whether you are booking the morning or afternoon classes.  Unfortunately it will not be possible to change the times of the classes between weeks and you will need to commit to either the morning or afternoon classes for the whole ten weeks. 




Textile Dyeing and Printing Day Course




15 January 2022 10am – 4pm


29 January 2022 10m-4pm


A one-day course exploring fabric dyeing and screen-printing techniques on natural and manmade fabrics.  No previous experience is  required and all materials are provided.





It is very easy to book any one of Sarah's courses. Just contact Sarah by email at, call her on 07957 384 225 or use the contact form.  Sarah will then get in touch with you to confirm your place and arrange payment by cash or BACs. Please read the terms and conditions before booking. 

Copyright © 2023  Sarah Galloway  All rights reserved

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